Changing MaxMTServers and MinMTServers values in Siebel

Saturday, October 24, 2020
  1. Start the Siebel server manager (srvrmgr) program
  • Log into one of the Siebel server boxes.
  • For Windows servers only: at the DOS prompt, change to the bin subdirectory within the Siebel Server root directory:


  • Execute the srvrmgr program by specify the parameters listed in the table below:

For example: srvrmgr /g gateway1 /e enterprise1 /u sadmin /p sadmin

Windows FlagParameterDescription
/eentrpr_serverSiebel Enterprise Server name
/ggateway_serverNetwork address of the Siebel Gateway Name Server machine
/ppasswordSiebel Server administrator password
/uusernameSiebel Server administrator username
  • After the Siebel Server Manager has started, the prompt changes to:

srvrmgr>      2. Set component parameter

  • Run the following commands from the srvrmgr to set value to 20 for all the Siebel servers

Srvrmgr            > reconfig compdef ObjMgr_enu Srvrmgr> change parameter MaxMTServers=20, MinMTServers=20 for comp        ObjMgr_enu server Srvrmgr> commit reconfig compdef ObjMgr_enu

  • Run the following commands from srvrmgr to list MaxMtServers & MinMTServers values.

srvrmgr> list param MaxMTServers for comp ObjMgr_enu srvrmgr> list param MinMTServers for comp ObjMgr_enu       3. Stop server manager Srvrmgr> exit

No items found.