Variable in qlikview is not just temporary storage while executing script. Indeed, variables will exist after the script execution is finished. Variables provide lot of flexibility when you have to do calculations dynamically. Variables can be used in data transformations and Calculations. This piece of code will helps to reuse the variable from one qlikview file to another. Hence, it reduces the time required to create variable individual in the new file. Logic Used 1. Getting file source and destination name through the input box using vb macro. 2. Reading the variable from source file. 3. Checking the progress using message box if needed. 4. Creating new variable in the destination file along with the details. 5. New button with macro name in actions. Macro Used Sub Copy_Variables () Dim objQV, objSource, objDest, objSourceVar, objDestVar Dim objVars, varcontent, objTempVar, varname, i, varctr fn_source=inputbox("Enter source file path","Filename") if trim(fn_source)="" then 'no entry or cancel exit sub end if Set objSource=Application.OpenDoc(fn_source) fn_dest=inputbox("Enter destination file path","Filename") if trim(fn_dest)="" then exit sub end if Set objDest=Application.OpenDoc(fn_dest) set objVars=objSource.GetVariableDescriptions varctr=0 for i = 0 to objVars.Count - 1 varctr=varctr+1 set objTempVar = objVars.Item(i) varname=Trim(objTempVar.Name) Set objSourceVar=objSource.Variables(varname) varcontent=objSourceVar.GetRawContent 'update the value of variable in destination document Set objDestVar=objDest.Variables(varname) If objDestVar is nothing then 'must need to create variable objDest.CreateVariable varname Set objDestVar=objDest.Variables(varname) End If objDestVar.SetContent varcontent,true next x=msgbox(varctr&" variables copied from "&fn_source&" to "&fn_dest&"."&chr(13)&"OK to Save?",vbOKCancel,"Copy_Variables") if x=vbOK then ObjDest.Save End if objDest.CloseDoc objSource.CloseDoc set objSource=nothing set objDest=nothing set objVars=nothing set objTempVar=nothing set objSourceVar=nothing set objDestVar=nothing End Sub By: Sivaraj Seeman